Women's Ministry Fall 2019

Questions? Contact Michelle Wegman, Director of LAC Women. 

Special offsite connection events will be announced in our bulletin.  


Ennegram Event on

Saturday, November 23


Join the fun and bring a friend. We will take the Ennegram Personality test, determine our number from the nine personality types and then have some fun conversations/discussion celebrating our uniqueness and differences. Kimberly Lapham, who will host at her home and Jess Herr will be our energetic leaders for the morning. Light refreshments will be provided. Email or call (717-201-4124)  Brenda Hudson if you plan on attending so we know for the planning of the seats and food. 

WOMEN'S RETREAT, February 28-March 1, 2020

Click HERE to be brought to our Women's Retreat registration page. 


See below to order a Women's Ministry logo t-shirt.


Mondays, 6:30pm-8pm. Home study on the book of Acts. Led by Shirley Tuzi. 

Wednesdays, 9:30am-11:30am. Home study that will bring truth, hope, and encouragement. Led by Sallie Turoczi.

Please contact the church office for home locations.   

women's connections

Change of Pace Bible Study on Thursday mornings at LAC beginning September 26.

Page Turners Book Club on the second Thursday of each month. 

Alliance Women once a month on Tuesday evenings. Pray for & support our C&MA International workers and their families. Locations vary. 

Minis & Me meeting every other Tuesday morning beginning September 10. 

Click on the title above for more information. 


Have you seen women wearing an LAC WOMEN: LIVE LOVE CONNECT t-shirt? Have you been wondering how you too can have one? Now, is you time to order one for $10 cash/check or $12 credit card. 

Women will be selling these until November. You can order one by clicking HERE to order online or by signing up in the Women's Retreat table in the lobby Sunday, October 20, October 27 or November 17.