JUNE 21-27, 2020

The week of June 21-27 is going to be "Diaper Week" at Lancaster Alliance Church!  There are many organizations that are in need of diapers including our ministry at Country Club Apartments. If you would like to purchase a package or case of diapers in sizes newborn through six, they can be purchased as follows:

  • Online and shipped to 210 Pitney Rd., Lancaster, PA 17601. Attn: Pastor Joe Burchill.
  • Online and delivered to your home. You may then drop off at the East Entrance of our building from 9:00am-5:00pm Monday through Friday. Please leave diapers at the entrance doors, which will be checked regularly, since there will not be access to the building.
  • In-store purchase and delivered to the church as stated in bullet #2.

Thanks so much for your help with this community outreach project.

Questions? Contact the church office at office@lancastercma.org.